
  • Meeting and conference arrangements
  • Full itinerary coordination
  • Hotel room reservations
  • Travel and ground transfers
  • Tour plans, including scheduling of guide
  • Meal arrangements and recommendations
  • Entertainment bookings
  • (sports, cultural, city sites, shopping, etc.)
  • Coordination with overseas agencies

Tour & Travel

Arrangements for trips to any part of the world for any number of people. Razamataz! will manage all aspects of conference, seminar, social or business travel. This service includes, but is not limited to:
  • Air travel coordination
  • Hotel or resort accommodations
  • Special services
  • Sports activity arrangement
  • Destination event planning

Contact me personally for all your travel and destination needs at or (914) 654-9200
– Dennis

destination management services

Case Study

A relatively new corporate client came to us with a dilemma in late 2008, at the height of the financial crisis. They had a contract with a major Las Vegas hotel for an industry conference the following April and feared that the existing business climate would diminish attendance to a level that would be embarrassing and make the conference ineffective. They wished to cancel the conference.

Problem was that the contract had a 100% cancellation clause by that point in time.

We engaged the Hotel and negotiated a solution that allowed them to exit their $190,000 contract liability without penalty.